Patchwork Body

Patchwork Bodies
contemporary dance, video & software

Choreography: Martina Marini in collaboration with the performers
Direction/ camera/ editing/ software: Maarten van der Glas
Dancers: Anastasia Kostner, Evelyn Petruzzino, Santija Bieza
Music: Manuela Kerer
Drawings: Sabine Auer
Costumes: Tanzschmiede/fucinadanza

‘Patchwork bodies’ unites fine arts, dance, music and film. Five short dance movies and a contemporary dance choreography developed from a process of the exchange between artists.

The paintings of Sabine Auer were the starting point of the creative journey. Bodies in pieces, cut open. The sewed and scarred bodies give space to associations and let the bodies speak about enclosed emotions. The tormented and cricked joints show the disturbed relationship between the self-image and the loss of identity. There are no faces. The human is defined by the body.

These paintings were developed into a choreogrphy by choreographer Martina Marini and dancers.

Five video works were developed by Maarten van der Glas. He envisioned video work that stays surprising for the audience after watching it multiple times. Maarten van der Glas developed a computer program to introduce variation every time a movie is played back. The computer has an alogoritm to choose scenes and secondly, the playback speed is varied by the computer. By varying the speed the meaning of the movement is altered and emphasized differently. All video works are envisioned as a loop with variations each time it is played.

With special thanks to: Irmtraud Filippi und Arabesque, Mertz Ideas, Theater in der Altstadt, Erwin Seppi, Peter Gobbi, Karl Illmer vom Verdinser Hof, Matthias Egger, Stadtgemeinde Meran
With support by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Amt für Deutsche Kultur, Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse, Autonome Region Trentino-Südtirol