Like Dust

Like Dust is an interactive Graphic novel that tells the story of Sam Yazdanpanna and also symbolizes a much more universal story. Every day thousands of young people flee from one country and travel to another country full of hope and expectations. This journey is…

Patchwork Body

Patchwork Bodies contemporary dance, video & software Choreography: Martina Marini in collaboration with the performers Direction/ camera/ editing/ software: Maarten van der Glas Dancers: Anastasia Kostner, Evelyn Petruzzino, Santija Bieza Music: Manuela Kerer Drawings: Sabine Auer Costumes: Tanzschmiede/fucinadanza ‘Patchwork bodies’ unites fine arts, dance, music…

Start Dust

STAR DUST was shot at night -under moon light- in the south west of the USA: in the Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree desert and at the granite of Morro Bay. Long series of photos were made to create the movement. The photos had exposure times…

Moving Within Without

  ‘Moving within without’ is an experimental dance video that takes a poetic approach to a data compression error as an extra layer of movement and narrative. “Moving within without’ deals the theme of being moved and moving from within. Where did the tune that…

Apart a Paris

Apart à Paris A meeting between the self and the city. A play between finding yourself and loosing yourself. The self is composed of multiple facets, whose realization is seen as one of the highest virtues in nowadays society. This short film shows a person…